Protect yourself from legal obligations that may arise out of operating an aircraft you do not own. Get coverage for extra expenses like search and rescue, emergency flight conditions, legal expenses, and more.
Even if your FBO or flight school has insurance you need to protect yourself. You could be legally liable for bodily injury and property damage caused by your use of a non-owned aircraft. You FBO's insurance may not protect you from a lawsuit if you injure someone or damage property. If you are the responsible party for damage (because of a hard landing or worse), the FBO and their insurance company may have the right to come after you to recoup the money they had to pay out to fix or replace it. Even a minor incident in a rented or borrowed plane can cost you plenty.
Coverage can include:
- No deductible, ever.
- Liability coverage for bodily injury and damage to property.
- Optional Aircraft Damage Liability (ADL) for coverage of damage to the non-owned aircraft.
- No policy cap on legal defense fees for covered claims, even if you are sued for more than your liability limit.
- No blanket FAR exclusions.
- Up to $5,000 for necessary medical expenses.
Any time you operate an aircraft you do not own, you're exposing yourself to liability in the event you cause harm to someone, damage property, or the aircraft.
This exposure can arise when:
- fly a borrowed aircraft, even if you are a named, approved pilot or meet the open or other pilot clause of the owner’s insurance policy
- rent an aircraft
- take a flying lesson in another aircraft
- get recurrent flight training or obtain a biennial flight review (BFR) in a non-owned aircraft go for a rating or endorsement (seaplane, multi-engine, complex or high-performance, tailwheel, rotary wing, or glider) in another aircraft